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Educational Impact
Following the cinematic release of The Lake of Scars, the aim of the filmmaking team is to create lasting impact in the space of heritage preservation and recognition, reconciliation and the environmental stewardship of wetlands and river red gum systems. We also want this nuanced tale of allyship to be viewed by young people (and hey, older ones too) across Australia. To do so, this film needs to get into schools, universities, community organisations and government departments. If you would like to help us succeed in fostering change in this space, you can make a tax-deductible donation to our impact campaign via Documentary Australia to properly fund this push.
If you would like to put on a screening, talk to us ( about purchasing a playable file - or you can buy the DVD directly from Ronin Pictures here.
Educators wishing to screen the film can access a culturally-sensitive study guide from ATOM (Australian Teachers of Media), for free, at The Education Shop.
You may also be interested in the producers' next documentary endeavour on water use in Australia, Murrumbidgee; click here for more info.
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